Our Bodies are not your Battlefield! Action week 3.-14. August

Our Bodies are not your Battlefield!

Actionweek 3. – 14. August 2018

Women Unite Against Feminicide & Sexual Violence
Initiated by “Internationales 8.März Bündnis”
Friday 3 August 17:30: Pariser Platz (Brandenburg Gate)
Demonstration of the Êzidische women and minute of silence
Tue, 14 August 16:30 : Pariser Platz (Brandenburg Gate)
Vigil for the 6th International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Sexual Enslavement ("Comfort Women") by the Japanese Military in World War II

Your wars and your violence have been running through our bodies since immemorial time. For ten days, from August 3 to 14, we will remember the victims of organized femicide and militarized sexual violence. Two commemorative actions will frame our event: On August 3, 2014, the last genocide and femicide against the Ezidi Women was committed. On August 14th, we commemorate the so called "comfort women" who were forced into sexual slavery by the Japanese army in Asian Pacific War (1937-1945).
This war is fought in all times and places against almost all Womens*bodies. According to the World Health Organization, "40% of women in Germany have experienced physical and/or sexual violence since the age of 16" (source: bff Internet site). One thing has become clear: systematically used sexual violence against women and girls is an instrument to the femicide. Self-organization of women from Shengal to Berlin, from Korea to Mexico or Argentina is vital and the only guarantee of our possible freedom.
In this week of struggle, we want to remember with respect all those women who died as victims of the patriarchal war, and all those who survived with their wounds. Between these two important commemorations at the Brandenburg Gate we will strengthen ourselves together with various women*'s groups: sharing knowledge and thoughts that will become weapons so that femicide never happens again. Every day we will continue our exhibition and hear women’s stories in different places, take a new step towards self-defence and surround ourselves with a shared strength.

Follow us to our moving exhibition and check out the program : trostfrauen.de/aktionswoche-2018/



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