
Aktionswoche: 30 Jahre Brechen Des Schweigens

 4. Aktionswoche gegen Femizid und sexualisierte Gewalt, 02.- 14. August 2021 Am 3. August 2021 findet der 7. Jahrestag des noch andauernden Feminizids und Genozids gegen die Eziden in Sinjar/Şengal im Nordirak statt. Am 14. August 2021 folgt der nunmehr 9. Gedenktag für die ehemaligen „Trostfrauen“ in Berlin. In diesem Zeitraum rufen wir vielfältig und bunt mit einer Aktionswoche unter dem Motto „30 Jahre Brechen des Schweigens“ zu Solidarität und Engagement auf! Programm Ausstellung „Frauen* fordern Gerechtigkeit nach sexualisierter Gewalt und Frauenmord“ Ort: Frauen*Kommune Wedding – Stadtteilbüro Kommune 65, Buttmannstr. 1a, 13357 B-Wedding Öffnungszeiten: 07.08.-24.09.2021, Freitags, 14 bis 18 Uhr Mo. 02.08., 17 Uhr Pressegespräch mit Alliance of Internationalist Feminists: Auftakt zur Aktionswoche mit dem Künstlerpaar Kim Seo-Kyung und Kim Eun-Sung vor der Friedensstatue und im Korea Verband e.V. Ort: Korea Verband e.V. (Quitzowstr. 103, 10551 Berlin) und an der Friedensstatu...

8M 2021 Demo Anti-Repression Information

  ++ Anti-Repression Information ++ English Your safety is important for us. In case of any complication with cops or anything else you can contact us. You don't need to talk to the cops. We will solve any problem with the cops through our lawyers and Ermittlungsausschuss-Berlin (EA). They are there for you. In case of arrest, yourself or anybody else, you can report it to the EA number (030_6922222) and you can speak on their answering machine. They will contact you back and take care of the rest. For this you need to give the full name and birth date of the person or persons who got arrested. We as the Anti-Repression group of Alliance of internationalist Feminists* are available for you during and after the demo. In any case you can contact us (015163544812) or by email or on Instagram Our awareness teams are multi-racial. If you are a non-white person experiencing any shit, find a person of color in the awareness team (we are wearing b...

8M 2021 Covid-19 Protocol // Hygienekonzept

  ++ 8M 2021 Covid-19 Protocol ++ Covid-19 is a social justice issue. Why? Because the pandemic has overwhlemingly affected communities of color, migrant communities, working-class communities, the elderly and the sick.  Over the last weeks, some migrant women* of color have expressed to us a fear that by going to demos, they could increase their risk of being infected by Covid-19. The fear of getting Covid-19 is also a fear of racism. Migrants don't have equal access to health services and those with a precarious or no documented status know very well that the government has been using Covid-19 to repress or deport their communities. In fact, the German government and the European Union as a whole has been treating migrants and Roma and Sinti people as a health and security threat against White European society. Also, many refugees are forced to live in over-crowded lagers, where the risk of Covid-19 spreading is high. Quarantining because of Covid-19 means, for many working-...

Participation of Cis Men in 8. March Demo

++ ENGLISH ++ In the last days but also every year before, we have seen racist, transmisogynistic, sexist shit posted on social media about our 8th march demonstration. We want to take a moment to make a CLEAR STATEMENT against racism, transmisogyny and sexism and the participation of cis-men. We, Alliance of internationalist feminists, are mostly Women and Trans Persons of color (BIPoc), migrant and refugee women from different groups, networks and/or individuals. Our feminism is intersectional and our fight is against racism, colonialism, capitalism, imperialism, and patriarchy. We know that we share the struggle against racism with non white cis-men and the fight against capitalism with all, but this demo is about CENTERING the self-defense and self-organization of women, trans, and inter persons. Our subjectivity is an important element of our fight. To be able to organize, resist and fight against the system we must put it into action. That means cis-men are not at all invited. Al...

8M 2021 Demo ROUTE

++ 8. March 2021 DEMO ROUTE ++ Our route leads through Berlin-Mitte. the start - the representation of the European Commission in Germany - except that people at the EU's external border are exposed to death by freezing and drowning for the sake of EU policy calculations. This policy knows no shame when it comes to destroying the world and people's lives through imperialist, colonialist, neoliberalist and extractivist agendas as well as femicide, embargo, border and deportation policies, and supporting dictators and occupations with arms trade and war. Symbols of all these agendas can be found in close proximity in Berlin-Mitte. One stop of the demo will be in front of the Pergamon Museum - a symbol of German and European robbery of the history of the peoples of Mesopotamia. With the removal of the blue Ishtar gate, not only the history on site was destroyed, but also the genocide of thousands of Armenians and Kurds was actively supported by the German side. Much is already kno...

Demo: 8M2021 Poster


call outs 8M Demonstration_Berlin: "Our life our resistance, Break the silence Break the system"

english, deutsch, korean, romanes, العربية, বাংলা, فارسی, español, हिन्दी, polska, sorani, kurmancî, türkçe, தமிழ், русский, tiếng việt, italiano, français, नेपाली, português -------------------------- Call for 8th March 2021 International day of Women*´s Struggle from the Alliance of Internationalist Feminists - Berlin to all Women*, trans* and inter persons, especially trans*women, working class women*, refugee women*, Black women*, Indigenous women*, women* of Colour and disabled Women* -In 2020, the Frontex budget was increased by more than 120 million Euro to 444 million Euro while many thousands have died on the shores of Libya and in the Mediterranean, and hundreds have died in the Atlantic on their way to the Canary Islands. -During this crisis, the German government saves large corporations like Lufthansa with millions of Euros - money that goes towards financing deportations. On the other hand, the German arms industries are profiting more than ever by selling and exporting g...