
Showing posts from 2017

Call Out for 25. November 2017 DEMO: Continue fighting the feminicide

English, deutsch, kurmanji, فارسی, Türkçe, سۆرانی, polska, Español, Français, Italiano, Rusyn, português, TIẾNG VIỆT , عربى, zazaki ***Continue fighting the feminicide*** through women’s self organization and women’s self defence 25th of November, the international day against violence against women, is the expression of resistance of women around the world! Whether it is in Kurdistan or in Europewomen are organizing against the sexist mentality of domination that kills thousands of women, children and girls on a daily basis. Whether it’s in the family, on the street, in war or persecution. We defend ourselves, We organize ourselves, WE DECIDE FOR OURSELVES HOW WE WANT TO LIVE! We are fighting for all of us. Also for those of us who are absent today, because they are locked away in the lagers and jails. For the 25th of November we call out to all women*(or those who are imposed a certain role by the state and society) as well as Trans*, Inter* people, in all our differences to strength...

Rbb video from the demo

All Power to the Women*

Street action 04.03

Street action 04.03, flyer distribution and inviting women* to the demo. We have read out the call in different languages. We started in Platz der Luftbrücke, passed through Tempelhof Lager, and Tempelhof field and finished in Boddingstrasse.


中文(简体) 女人* 有权力者 也 大家来着 参加国际. 妇女节游行 2017年3月8日 开始下午4点半 在口: REVALER STR. X WARSCHAUER STR. 结束晚上6点半到 ORANIENPLATZ 我们起立。我们反抗制度。我们会工作,我们的生活准 得好。我们奋战。 我们的身体不要利用。我们起立,一起反抗​国家​权力 。总是反抗了。 我们 让政策把我们互相争斗。我们不同种族主义。 过年前夜在德国的大城市克隆路上种族主义很特别了。警察太多。是保护女人的意思。意思不行。我们不会被种族主义分开。我们一起走。我们大家。 我们一起战斗抑制。战斗家长制,战利用,战贫穷,战斗战争。我们都可以一起完成所有的坏事。因为我们一起装。 怎么保持资本主义?不把自由给女人。不把好名工作给女人。可能你的工作太难或钱 够或没有安全。但女人的工作还难。女人的工资还少。我们的安全还少 我们的系统没有平等。资本主义越来越状。天天复制权威层次。天天白种人把种族主义和阶级的特权让他们自丰富 我们想用女权主义把性别歧视和种族主义和资本主义停止。我们起来一起推翻系统。因为女人总是有危险。女人强奸受害者。在监狱和劳改营女人被警察强奸。那里没有办法,那里没有帮助。但我们这里一起,我们装女人,我们女权主义者。我们战斗路上,家里,上班,到处都会战斗改善我们的生活质量 我们已经准备战斗性别歧视的暴力。随便我们谁暴力者。社会的性别歧视不同。系统的暴力不同。所有的对妇女的暴力我们不要保持 女人的身体今还开发的,还奴役的,卖得。我们会停止,我们会战斗,我们不会坐着看女人的或换性者的惨杀 我们一起努力。我们几十亿女人互相帮助。我们努力改善,我们的梦一样,我们的希望一样。我们战斗一起。我们会改善女权 3月8日是国际妇女节。来让我们走路上,来着反叛 «我们»是女人,女同性恋者,男同性恋者,双性恋着和与跨性别者

8th March celebration with Dest Dan on 5th March Sunday

5th of March on Sunday am Sonntag 5. Marz Address: Rezidensstrasse 54 (Nav Dem), 13409 Berlin

Photos from Osloerstrasse, Leopoldplatz, Niedstrasse 27-28 February: flyer distribution & calling the women* to the demo




Banga me ji bo meşa tekoşina jinan a enternasyonalist 8 é adaré 2017 an.

Banga me ji bo me ş a teko ş ina jinan a enternasyonalist 8 é adaré 2017 an. 16:30 Warschauer Str. ve Revaler Str. kö ş esi -18:00 Oranienplatz em li dijé sistemé di raperiné de nin em ji bo ked u jiyana xwe,   xwe réxıstın dikin, teko ş in dikin. Li dijé dagirkirina bedenen me em xwe diparézin. hem ji bo edeleta ciwaki u hem ji siyasi em tevdigerin. Wek ku di rabirduyi de me wa kiribu. Em hewldana dewlet u ciwaké red dikin ku me tekeli rewakirina nijadperesti dike. Di ş eva sersala çu de li navenda Avrupa li pé ş koln katedrali de bi bahane ya parastina jinan éri ş ek nijadperesti hat afirandin. Em li dijé ev manipulasyoné ş er dikin, bi ev sedemé li dijé brayén me   em destur nadin ku hun me bikarbinin. em li dijé hemu curén zordestiyéne ku sistema serdesti ya mér dagirkeri, hejari, şer, koçberi u tundi diafirine. Em   Di nav piştevaniyek de dest bi dest didin u tekoşin dikin kapitalizm ji keda jinan a nay ditin u bi zoré u bi girédaybuni...