Invitation to the 8th March Demo second preparation meeting: 26 Jan 2018
Invitation to the 8th March Demo second preparation meeting: 26 Jan 2018 A call to all women* Refugee women* PoC, Black Women* Activist women* Women* living in camps WLTQI Activists* Working women* Women* with and without migration background anti-racist white women* Invitation to the first preparation meeting of the 8th March 2018 Internationalist Women* Demo! Dear women*, Let’s get together to organise an internationalist women’s demo on Internatıonal Women* Day! Women*! Let’s raise our voices even lauder on the 8th of March! Women* living in the Heims, break the isolation and join us! Let organize this demo together: let’s meet, exchange ıdeas, formulate our demands and prepare actions. Sharing the path and cooperatıng from the beginning will give us more strength to fight against patriarchy, sexism, homo- trans*- inter*discrimination, violence in the family. Come to the preparatıon meetıng and bring your demands! When? 26th Jan. 2018 - 18.00 Uhr Where? Kurdisches Zentrum, Dresdener...