
Showing posts from 2016

Internationalistische Frauen* Demonstration, FR 25 November 2016

Tag gegen Gewalt an Frauen* FR 25.11.2016 16.00 Uhr Turmstrasse (U9) Organizers: Frauen * von Ezidischer FrauenRat Berlin, Frauenrat Dest Dan, International Women Space, Interkulturelle Frauenzentrum S.U.S.I, Frauen aus Rojhilat, Sozialistischer Frauenbund Berlin-SKB, Women in Exile & Friends, JXK - Studierende Frauen aus Kurdistan, FrauenRat der PYD Berlin (Rojava Frauen), Frauenrat der HDK Berlin, Lara e.V, Ni Una Menos Berlin SUSI Interkulturelles Frauenzentrum; International Women Space Skb Ber Lin Women in Exile & Friends HDK / HDP Berlin YXK und JXK Berlin Niunamenos - Berlin *** „From feminicide to selfdefence” along the motto of the current Ezidian campaign "from genocide to self-determination” We defend ourselves, we organize ourselves, we determine ourselves! We create women*s solidarity against sexism, homo- trans*- inter*- discrimination, patriarchal social structures, family violence. Against war and persecution, racism, and nationalism. We are in solidarity w...

8th March - International Women*'s Day of Struggle: We Take the Power Back!

Em desthilatê şûnde digirin! > Preuzmimo Moć > İktidarı geri alıyoruz! > < سوف نستعيد قوتنا < ما قدرت خود را دوباره بدست ميگيريم Мы возвращаем нашу власть! > Retomamos el poder! > Nous reprenons le pouvoir! > Estamos pegando o poder de volta! > Ci riprendiamo il potere! > We take the power back! > Wir nehmen uns die Macht zurück ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ We take the power back! As women* we are determined to lead the fight from the front. Patriarchy is the foundation of the imperialist and capitalist system, which exists on the basis of white male domination. We are women* who resist this order of exploitation and oppression. As women* who experience war, who flee, who are in exile or migrate, we resist physical and psychological exploitation and humiliation. Refugee women* arriving in Europe, face a fascist asylum system that forces them into lagers, which provide no privacy but at the same tim...