Internationalistische Frauen* Demonstration, FR 25 November 2016
Tag gegen Gewalt an Frauen* FR 25.11.2016 16.00 Uhr Turmstrasse (U9) Organizers: Frauen * von Ezidischer FrauenRat Berlin, Frauenrat Dest Dan, International Women Space, Interkulturelle Frauenzentrum S.U.S.I, Frauen aus Rojhilat, Sozialistischer Frauenbund Berlin-SKB, Women in Exile & Friends, JXK - Studierende Frauen aus Kurdistan, FrauenRat der PYD Berlin (Rojava Frauen), Frauenrat der HDK Berlin, Lara e.V, Ni Una Menos Berlin SUSI Interkulturelles Frauenzentrum; International Women Space Skb Ber Lin Women in Exile & Friends HDK / HDP Berlin YXK und JXK Berlin Niunamenos - Berlin *** „From feminicide to selfdefence” along the motto of the current Ezidian campaign "from genocide to self-determination” We defend ourselves, we organize ourselves, we determine ourselves! We create women*s solidarity against sexism, homo- trans*- inter*- discrimination, patriarchal social structures, family violence. Against war and persecution, racism, and nationalism. We are in solidarity w...