DEMO – International Resistance Against Violence Against Women! 25.November.2015
International Resistance against Violence against Women! Resistance and self-organisation: against governmental arbitrariness! More and more women are acknowledging their rights, fighting arbitrary controls and repression. against political violence More and more women are recognising that the oppression they face is systematic against employers! More and more women are fighting for their rights as workers and organising themselves in trade unions. against husbands and violent relationships! Statistics show that the number of women leaving violent relationships is increasing everywhere Women are successfully resisting global exploitation, oppression,wars and femincide! Women in Rojava, North Syria and Iraq together with internationalist women are fighting successfully with their own defense group against internationally supported IS mercenaries.The women liberated Kobane, Rojava and Shingal from the hands of the butchers, rapists and slave holders. At the same time women ...